Monday 17 February 2014

New look website............

WelcomeWelcome to our new look website as we transition from a sub community focus to a resort website with  regular news feeds during each month in order to reflect the input we now receive from across the resort including current Committee members! Happy reading!

Does Hacienda Riquelme have an Environmental Policy to encourage Biodiversity?
This spring there was a magnificent display of beautiful wildflowers all along the area between the Gardens and the Golf Course. Some people have called this waste ground. We prefer to think of it as a wild area. This is the area where birds feed and butterflies fly. It should be encouraged.

One mans weed is another mans wildflower. One persons bug is another persons Biodiversity.

Does Hacienda Riquelme have an Environmental Policy to encourage Biodiversity? We do not want to live in a sterile environment where everything that isn't Golf is chopped down, sprayed or killed. We know that Spain was a signatory at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, 1992 that pledged all governments to protect all aspects of the environment including biodiversity. This became known as
Agenda 21 in the UK, in Spain it is Programa 21.

All organisations big and small are supposed to adopt Agenda / Programa 21 (This includes recycling, sustainability, energy and water efficiency AND Biodiversity). We believe that Hacienda Riquelme is the richest of the PW resorts for wildlife, lets keep it that way.

Many Golf Courses in the UK do have an environmental policy and they deliberately set aside areas to encourage wildlife. Hacienda Riquelme should too!

9/10 Update - It never rains but it pours.........

With Owners up in arms with debtors fast approaching 1 million, continued cost rises and the balls up of the buildings claims then we awake to find the golf course has gone under even though "MM is making a profit" according to the Committee members.

Further details can be found on the Spanish property forum:

By going under by 630 million euros then the writing was always on the wall as shown by the previous released company accounts however the Committee fought their position to the final hour clearing stating that IRM were not insolvent up to the 18th Sept 2013.

Hacienda Riquelme Blog news feed..........

So we guess the insolvency came over the last 2 weeks then, that's a lot of balls.

Interesting that IRM published filed acounts show them to be -99.85% solvency ration on an asset basis as at 31st December, 2012 with 714.7 million euro net current liabilities at that time.

HRGR Blog news feed..........

Now it seems by comments from the Committee, that the golf course is not important to owners, well lets get this straight once and for all - we all brought into a five star golfing resort without the golf course attached.

HRGR Association news feed..........

"Further to my email yesterday, where I said,We were responding to your inaccurate comments that IRM had gone into liquidation. It is a fact that, at the time, they hadn’t.Whilst this is correct I realise it may have implied that IRM are now in liquidation. They are not. They are claiming Article 5 relief, which is categorically not the same as going into liquidation. It is a Spanish process that allows a cash strapped organisation 4 months to rearrange its finances without creditors forcing their hands.

Regards, Ron"

That's 630 million euros to rearrange by the way in their voluntary bankruptcy that they have entered into!

As usual the President is no where to be seen or heard off, the Committee huddles together with no one having a clue and owners are left to consider the balls up. Resortalia continues to not mention key news such as this preferring the weekly email of gardeners dancing around the resort trying to cut grass that was cut a day previously. However, according to new updates from Ron the lawn mowers have more than one function than grass cutting and so we have asked him to explain further next month in his "How to garden on a budget" section of the newsletter, watch this space!

Maybe the clue is in the captions to the pics?

From our part we had a tip off which is why the Chemicals and Workers Compound issues were put onto the back burner as suing someone that is that much in debt is really just not worth it. Once there is movement then we can reconsider the options available. In terms of the solutions proposed and accepted by IRM then this is automatically withdrawn as insolvency was one of the get out clauses in the agreement. In terms of our gardeners then we have, as instructed by Hilary, sent a letter to the land owners, Murcia Council, stating that this land is being used incorrectly and the rubbish dump has to be moved.

We all just hope it rains and rains and rains so that we can fill up the lakes and water the gardens otherwise what will be will be.

Times are a changing and maybe just for once old matey Nige can pick a winner, !

Here are a few clues to help.............................

1) And for the "good folks of the Committee" then can we say be careful what you wish for.  Good advice based on past newsletters!

2) Before you eyeball an organisation across the table to discuss contracts or relationships then you clearly do your homework beforehand. It was clear that IRM were in serious trouble and it is also clear that STV and the security team make very good operating margins and performance even at the EBIT level. What is also clear is that they carrying excess payment terms for their debtors and HRGR being a good payer should be able to go for improved terms based on our quick payment processing history.

Its called being proactive and cutting the best deal and not being hood-winked.

3)  Always look at the big picture and dont get side tracked that water costs too much at HRGR meaning we make losses whereas MM with cheaper water makes a profit whilst at the same time the bigger 629 million euro net creditor position is over looked.  Never believe something or then worse then tell owners the same information without checking your facts.
Overlook a small problem no probs, overlook a giant bullet train then this really calls into question if the "good folks of the Committee" really have the skill sets or appropriate experience to operate.

4) And finally with the confirmation that PW is an asset shell with no value then it has to be time to secure what you can NOW. If you leave it any longer then where will you be.......... more balls come to mind.

Workers Compound
From: Hilary, PP7
Sent: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 10:24
Subject: Workers Compound meeting

Hi, I can confirm that I went to the Catastro Office in Murcia on Friday and confirmed ownership of the various pieces of land around HRGR (the red and yellow areas on the map and outside the fence). With this information, we are due to meet with IRM and the HRGR Committee at the beginning of October, provisionally 4th of Oct (when all are available) to decide on the future of the Workers Compound.

I expect a final decision shortly after this date. The problems (with the workers compound and the lakes) are now in hand, I welcome your photos and your updates as you do bring many possible problems to light early.  This is a good thing..... In the end, we all want to work together to protect our investments on our resort in the best way possible. 

Best regards Hilary


The debtors report shows then PW debt to be 45.7K however this only relates to 2013 and does not include the 2012 debt. This fundamental error in the report increases total debt from 810,413 to 819,353 euros.

Total debt has now doubled since the 2012 AGM!
Net collections remain consistent at less than 100,000 per quarter even though debt has doubled!

With debtors now in excess of 820,000 euros across the Resort, then we have clearly asked for confirmation that PW are being sued for the debts owed to our sub community. If not then why not as these are sub community debtors owned and managed by the sub community?

We are told by Resortalia in writing that our PW outstanding fees are not being sued in the courts and yet the Committee state
that the resort wide fees are being sued per the July minutes. As this is under the same lawyer as the buildings claims then we guess we can assume a 10% return to him on fees collected and maybe a net 10% for the resort?

Champagne flowing for some!

Where are the requests to tender specifcations?
Previous Committees agreed in official published committee minutes to place all future contracts due for renewal on the website in the non secure areas for open and honest transparency and competitive re-tendering. So where are the requests to tender?

Yet another balls up!

Murcia announces further delays to Corvera Airport

The Regional Government of Murcia may be forced to delay the opening of Corvera International Airport - promised for the summer season of next year - due to the tender process to find a new manager for the facility needing to be extended until January. Regional Vice President and Minister of Economy and Finance, Juan Bernal, said that the difficulties in settling the contract with Aeromur, taking full and legal ownership of the facility, and finding a suitable replacement to operate the airport have not yet been fully overcome, which has caused delays.

The new operator - whoever that may be - will have to assume responsibility for the €180 million loan and €200 million guarantee on top of making payments to the region - some of which will be returned to the former concession holder. These payments, together with the financial uncertainty of the financial climate for the 40 year contract to operate the airport, makes the airport something of a gamble for any would-be investor.

On top of this, the regional government also expects any new operator to directly compensate AENA to the tune of €36 mln for the closure of San Javier airport, as well as take responsibility for the transfer of employees to the new facility.
Meanwhile Sacyr, majority shareholder of Aeromur - the former concession holder of the airport - have invoked legal action against the Regional Government for the recovery of the cost associated with building the airport, whilst the Government in turn are claiming damages suffered by the people of Murcia in the delays in bringing the airport into operation.

Take part in the gardening survey, you will need to email Bill beforehand though, so he can let you know!

Another cock-up in communications as hardly anyone visits the crappy owners forum for news or updates now a days. Time for a change!!!!!!

2014 AGM
Each Sub Community AGM to take place on 10 March 2014 - Book the date if its worth attending however We think not especially following Nigel's 2012 manifesto for fully involving all Sub Community Presidents in the decision making processes of the resort - what crap as no involvement has ever happened in the 500 days since his election and this includes the key building defaults claim!!!!!!!!!!

Approval of resort budget will happen by just the Phase Presidents again in the Feb closed meeting!!!!!!!!

Next Month
We update each day on key news items arising however we also set time aside each month for special news feeds. Accordingly, next month we will update the 2012 Resort Presidents officially published manifesto status by line item showing any improvements, if any, that have arisen. Watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus Ron's special gardening section, the latest on the workers compound move, the new contract proposals for gardening/security and the ongoing chemicals in the lakes!!!!

HRGR Owners and Sub Community Presidents that care!

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